Dear Team UAMS,
At UAMS, employees are essential to our mission of providing excellent patient care, health care education, and research. As part of our Vision 2029, becoming the employer of choice is a key goal for us, and is central to retaining our talented employees and attracting new ones who will continue to sustain our high standards into the future. To achieve this objective, we must listen to all members of Team UAMS to further improve the employee experience.
First, we want to thank all of you who participated in the Employee Engagement Survey last spring. Your participation in the survey was instrumental in helping us understand the areas where we are succeeding and the areas where we need to focus our efforts to create an even better work experience for all members of Team UAMS.
Our Vision 2029 goal is for our engagement score to be in the 46th percentile by 2025. Your continued feedback is essential to achieve this. That is why we are pleased to announce that we will be conducting a Pulse Survey from March 27 through April 10. This pulse survey is specifically intended for teams that scored in the lower quartile of the Employee Engagement Survey from last June. This provides us an opportunity to identify areas for improvement and collaboration with your People and Culture Partner that is needed to reach our goal.
Employees hired prior to December 25, 2022 who work in the targeted teams will receive an email from Gallup with a link to participate. The online survey will be accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Your opinions are completely confidential. Gallup will handle all submitted surveys, and Gallup will not disclose to UAMS the identities of any individual respondents.
- The survey will ask you a series of questions about your personal experience working at UAMS.
- The survey will take about 3-5 minutes to complete.
Team UAMS can be a catalyst for change as we preserve our core values: integrity, respect, diversity and health equity, teamwork, creativity, excellence, and safety. We will update you as we learn more from each other. Thank you in advance for your participation and your commitment to UAMS.
Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA
UAMS Chancellor