Please provide your employee with a copy of the Workers’ Compensation policy when there is a work related injury. The Workers’ Compensation policy linked here.
What is Workers’ Compensation?
Workers’ Compensation is a benefit for employee’s who sustain an on-the-job injury, incident or exposure. Benefits may include but are not limited to payment of medical bills, prescription medication, mileage reimbursement, management fees and indemnity benefits (wages).
What should I do when my employee is injured on the job and need medical treatment?
The employees’ responsibility is to notify you of the injury/incident immediately. For needle sticks and/or blood/body fluids exposure the employee must seek treatment but for all other non-emergency injuries the employee determines if they need to seek medical treatment. Direct them to the Company Nurse Hotline for guidance on seeking treatment 1-855-339-1893.
If your employee does not need or chooses not to seek medical treatment, they simply need to complete the Incident & Injury Form (linked here).
If your employee would like to seek medical treatment, they MUST call the Company Nurse Injury Hotline at 1-855-339-1893 to generate the Workers’ Compensation claim. Please assist them if needed.
Can the employee seek medical treatment from their Primary Care Physician (PCP)?
No! The Company Nurse will refer the employee to the appropriate care facility. Our designated treatment facilities are: UAMS- Hospital ER, UAMS- Student/Employee Health (SEHS), and the Regional Program clinics where applicable.
What paperwork needs to be completed as a result of the on-the-job injury?
Make sure your employee completes Section A of the Employee/Student Injury and Incident Report (I & I). This form can be completed online at UAMS Injury and Incident Report . This form MUST also be completed when no medical treatment is needed.
Will my employee and I be required to complete or sign anything after calling Company Nurse?
Yes! The claim forms will automatically be generated after the phone call is made to Company Nurse and routed to HR. Signatures are required of the employee and supervisor. HR will send additional instructions to the department. Signed forms should be returned to PECD.
Click here to view the Workers’ Compensation claim submission instructions
Does Workers’ Compensation cover an employee’s time off for doctors’ appointments?
No! Workers’ Compensation does not pay time off for doctor visits nor do they pay for physical therapy visits. The worker’s accrued annual and sick time may be used to attend medical appointments. Make sure the employee follows the UAMS policy related to absences for appointments. Workers’ Compensation does pay mileage under some circumstances so the employee should track their mileage for all appointments.
How does an employee get prescriptions filled for their on-the-job injury?
The Optum Temporary Prescription Card Form (TPF) will be given to the injured employee, from the designated treatment facility, referred to by the Company Nurse for medical triage. If an employee is unable to obtain a TPF, please have the employee to call HR at (501) 686-8982 or email to request a copy.
What if my employee needs a return visit to the doctor?
The initial visit to see a physician will be communicated by the Company Nurse Injury Hotline. Should the employee need additional treatment for the same injury, they must contact their Claims Manager at Public Employee Claims Division (PECD). Visit the Workers’ Compensation Contact Sheet linked here.
What should I do when my employee misses time from work?
Supervisors, it is crucial that there is an open line of communication between you and your employee, and between the employee and their Claims Manager at PECD. The employee must provide the supervisor with a written status report from the treating physician. It is your responsibility to make sure you have written documentation to cover all days absent for an injury.
Does FMLA and Workers’ Compensation run concurrently?
YES – Consequently, time missed due to an on-the-job injury will be deducted from the 12-week FMLA entitlement, when it’s a “lost time” situation. Follow the current FMLA process outlined for UAMS. Please review the FMLA Policy, Administrative Guide 4.6.11.
How do I pay the employee who is losing time from work?
At the onset of a claim, the employee will need to use his/her personal leave time (in this order–sick, holiday, vacation).
Will the employee receive notification of the claim status from the carrier (PECD) when a claim is received?
The employee will receive written notification only if the claim is denied or when it is a lost-time claim (absent more than 7 days). Review the Workers’ Compensation policy, Administrative Guide 4.1.08.
How much does Workers’ Compensation pay?
Workers’ Compensation pays 66-2/3% of the employee’s average weekly wage at the time of the injury/incident. Once compensability is established, the employee’s department timekeeper and HR will collaborate to determine what the employee needs to be paid by UAMS to supplement the bi-weekly Workers’ Compensation payments. This supplemental payment will incur from the employee’s accrued leave.
What happens when an employee is released to return to work?
The employee should call their claims manager at Public Employee Claims Division (PECD) and their supervisor to be placed back on the work schedule. The department must be given written documentation of the release from their treating physician. The release may be to full duty or to limited duty; however, the process remains the same. The employee should be returned to their regular job, with the same pay, shift, benefits, and work hours. Contact HR with any additional questions or submit inquiries to
What is the role of the UAMS Case Manager?
The case manager will monitors all lost time cases and coordinate ALL return to work situations for employees released to modified (light) duty.
Who do I contact in HR if I have a question about Workers’ Compensation?
Review the Workers’ Compensation website and contact if you have additional questions.
UAMS Case Manager: Lorna Potaka-Osborne (501) 603- 1665